Thought of the Day

Yeah. A bunch of people conveniently have their firearm in a microwave. Perhaps the microwave doesn't work. Perhaps the gun could have been already on the counter.

It seems so unreal that guy barges in right where the other guy is near the microwave and fetches the gun with splendid ability to grab the handle, get the finger on the trigger, and point it all without it going off....

Original shootodog:

student one: my teacher is so good he makes men out of boys.

student two: pffffft.. my teacher turns grown men into crying babies.
If God exists, he has no sense of beauty at all.
How could he create these horrors otherwise?

My eyes are hurting.

You know every time you open your mouth you ingest millions of slimy little bacteria, and many will take long-term residence inside you, right? Don't even get me started on the poo particles...
I don't think god has a gender? Whatever it is, it can spy on me a llllll day in the shower. God blessed me with enough body hair to be clothed when I'm naked, so my privacy is protected at all times.
of course god has a gender. god is alanis morisette.

also, hot on the heels of my earlier roundhouse kick fail, i have just managed to elbow a wall with my hikite. i think i need a punching bag.
People seem crankier than normal nowadays-both on internet forums of all sorts and in the world generally. Must be something in the air... :/
/me goes into bathroom, flushes the toilet and begins breathing huge, gulping breaths of air through his mouth while petting a cockroach.
