Thread split: cross-dressing and homosexuals

Lol. Apparently the folks in off topic aren't as harsh as the folks in philosophy Okay, back to discussing transgenderism vs. transvestitism or whatever.
What really happy? well if they enjoy what they do fine, good for them I suppose you could practice Ma in ones 'cross-dressing' as the situation might occur that someone attack you.


I have an ex-brother in law who's a cross dresser and my sister kept quite about it for years until he started an affair with a firewoman. Well you can imagine what happened, the gloves came off and she told his whole family and gave them some of the photo's as well to show what sort of stuff he liked as presents lol. They are now divorced but his brother who also is married to my other sister has just come out with being the same way but he's gone one further. They have split up as he's come out as gay as well so there's something to be said about certain ones also being gay as well. They only problem area is he also has two children and they don't have an idea what their father has done as they aren't old enough to understand what's happening.
I don't have much to do with this sister but I feel more for the kids than anything and wish he could have come out a lot sooner than he did before they had kids as when they find out they will have the problems and not the parents.
lisa xx
I believe "gayness" is to a degree genetic, but cross dressing? What on earth was going on with these two when they were kids? Freud would have a field day with that one. And you're right about his children, I understand being afraid of society looking down on you and blah blah blah, but get a grip and come out before you marry and wind up breaking your wife's (or husband's) and children's hearts. I know it's not that simple for many people, but when I meet someone who comes out at age 50 my jaw drops. Did they really have no clue before, or were they just too ashamed of themselves to admit it and felt they had to lie their way through life?
OK, getting off my high horse now.
I always imagine some kid reading some of these threads and going, "Mom? Whats a cross-dressing transgendered homosexual? I like to see how far the threads will go. I personally, have no problem with it since my kids aren't on here.
As opposed to kids coming on, watching some of the videos that are linked to here and asking,

"Mum, why's that mans leg bent the wrong way?"
Very true.

Do you think that looking at pictures of very masculine men in little pants cuddling is similar?

lol I'm joking - before anyone thinks I'm being serious.....
I know of five transvestites in my town, of which I'm friends with three. One is quite frightening cos he's tough and attracted to anything. I've seen him respond to a guy who says "are you lookin' at my girl?" with "well I was but now I'm into you". Another is gay and the last is asexual.

As said before, most transvestites are not gay so I think my experience here is atypical. I also have a larger number of gay friends, male and female who don't cross-dress.

I don't believe in genetic excuses for most things, especially homosexuality. I've plenty of accounts in memory of homosexual men who had traumatising relationships with females to change their alignment. I even remember reading in a newspaper during the 80s about high divorce rates and high alimony orders leading to an increase in homosexuality: men retreated from scornful women to the safety of their brothers!

It's a funny old world.

I am straight but like wearing eye liner and clear nail polish. Where does that leave me?
You're a metrosexual - don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it but it can get bloody expensive! (breaks out the £25 hair styling product and L'Oreal facial wash while making an appointment for a pedicure)
ok, let's see, as I need to get my clients over to court in about 5 minutes, this'll be brief...

I don't know what "made" me gay, and truthfully, I don't think I care. It's part of who I am. On one hand, I had a crappy set of parents, on the other I've always had good relationships with men or women (we're talking non-sexual here) as long as we have things in common. My identical twin is straght, and we have the same genes and were raised the same, so go figure,I have NO idea what "causes" it. It just "is" as far as I'm concerned.

adouglasmhor... it makes you trendily metrosexual. or goth. since I haven't seen you, I don't know which it is.

sever...why not use the cheap stuff for men?

And for both of you... you're gayer than I am I have a shaved head, soulpatch, 14 tattoos, and could care less about metrosexuality or fashion trends Although I do clean up good for court (kinda have no choice, optherwise it would be jeans, tshirts and mat shoes for me all the time, nor would I shave my face much, just my head).

*this is all in good fun.
That's quite cool - a) having an identical twin b) one of the twins being gay.

For some (probably dumb) reason I would have thought it would have been both twins being gay or both straight?

Does anyone else know any identical twins and whether one or both are gay? That's quite fascinating really.
lol nah i've always been weird lol

ok will remember to keep odd thought to myself in future lol
Sometimes I think maybe I'm a gay man trapped in a woman's body cause I find offtopic fights soo sexy

And believe it or not - My girlfriend's identical twin sister is straight. Although we think she's really a gay man trapped in a woman's body as well.
The twin stuff is just crazy, I want someone to do some research, asap. I think usually they're both straight or both gay.
studies from a few years back revealed that in the control group of identical twins, 50% were divergent in sexual orientation and 50% were convergent.

Basically, 50% of twins share the same sexual orientation, while 50% differ.