Time To Run? [Complete Running Network]



Kids grow up so fast. Trust me, I know. My two year old just told me the other day that she needs some privacy in the washroom. Time with our children is precious, but our running and health shouldn’t be compromised. We all want to live long enough to spoil our grandchildren, too. Being a parent certainly takes a big bite out of your free time, but these tips can help you find the time to run without it interfering with your family life:
  1. Take the short view.
    5K and 10K races will have you home much sooner than a marathon.
  2. Outsource.
    Create a standing online grocery order that’s delivered weekly and use your grocery shopping time to go for a run.
  3. Kill two birds with one stone.
    Take the kiddos in a jogging stroller or, if your kids are older, allow them to ride their bikes beside you. Break up a longish run by stopping at a park 3/4 of the way through a run—the kids will love you for it.
  4. Run while the kids are sleeping.
    Run after they go to bed, or early in the morning.
  5. Pack a lunch.
    Bring a lunch to work and use that hour lunch break to go for a run. Then inhale your sandwich at your desk afterwards.
  6. Get help.
    Invite the grandparents to visit, dump the kids off on them and head out. (They don’t really come over to see you, anyway.) Hire a housekeeper to clean twice a month.
  7. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
    Let the dishes sit a little while longer. You’ll feel more energized to wash them once you’re back from a run.
Family life doesn’t need to take the back burner for running, and running doesn’t need to take the back burner for family life either. With a little time management, you can achieve a happy balance.
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