Time Warner vs. Verizon DSL in SoCal?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I just recently moved to Redlands, CA from Denver and I've been searching for an ISP since and have yet to settle on anyone specific. I would love to get FiOS from Verizon, but its not available in my area. So I'm basically limited to Time Warner's Road Runner service (either 10mb or 15mb) or Verizon DSL (4 to 7mb) No matter where I look online I see awful reviews for Time Warner's customer service and, coming from an area where I had to deal with Comcast, I'd rather not have those issues again. However, I'd be using quite a bit of bandwidth, with two laptops, an Xbox 360, a PS3, and my iPhone all potentially sapping internet at the same time. I know latency effects the constant speed of a connection and I'd get better latency with Verizon, but as far as sheer bandwidth goes, Time Warner is the winner at twice what Verizon offers. I'm hoping someone out there has some sort of first hand experience with TW or can just offer some tips for choosing a service in case I'm missing something here.

Thanks much!