tips for keeping the room temperature cool without A.C. or any other gadgets?


New member
Apr 2, 2009
i really want to be eco-friendly and i dont want to release more CFC's in the ozone layer
gogreen: very silly answer
i live in india mumbai and i cant shift all of a sudden to alaska
or fill it full of ice.
Or move to alaska, then open your windows.

**Sarcasm my friend...sarcasm..**
agreed,do you get wet cloths like bedsheets,towel if not possible- wet your curtain and let it dry @ the room temparature.
try drying out as many cloths inside your room as possible.see the areas where light comes from outside and cover it with wet cloths,yet open up the windows in such a way that too much of windy air couldn't come do the same with doors too.

if you could,do wash your house(no am not talking about mopping) when you feel little hot inside the room.If that's not possible use little extra water while doing mopping.Hope doing this @least once daily and following the above steps would help you keep the room temperature cool.

relax @ the floor and forget the bed,you would love to do so after the room and floor being naturally cool.
A nice cool draft through the window sure helps. You could get some of those blinds that are designed to block sunlight. That will help a little. There is insulation too. If you insulate the walls better you will keep in more of the cold air you have with the ac or fans, whatever you use.

Also, with ac you don't release the freon into the air unless its being recharged, charged, or if there is some sorta leak. So with a new AC that uses freon that should not be an issue.

There is also air conditioners with puron and not freeon. Those would be a way to eliminate the freeon stuff all together.

I recommend getting a window unit if you want to only cool one room. You will need to seal up where it fits in the window real good though.

The Haier ESAD4066 is a very good unit. It uses r-410a, which is puron. It has an eer rating of 12 which is extremely high. You cannot get much more efficient then that. Plus, this unit will also clean the air too. You can order that unit online if you cannot find it locally. They will ship to your country if you request to have it shipped via fedex.