To all people going to college...

I'm taking it that you don't know how much money they make, and what they actually do.
^^ truth. They make a good amount of money.

And someone has to do it. Do you know how many people go to college? Not all of them can be businessmen.

you can party and meet girls anywhere. just move somewhere you want to be. going to college there doesn't make a difference.
The educational aspect of college is overrated, but burning your parents money for the party scene is definately worth it.
Ask yourself this.

Do you want to end up on the street asking for money and carving for food?

Or do you want to make money, have women, and have a great life for just doing 4 more years of school?
Party and get chicks while you can, because once they figure out you suck poop out of tubes for a living for that whopping $37,000 a year(sorry to say, but thats the average salary for a plumber)you'll be partying solo. Don't feel down though, you might get some pity-play from the local trailer-park queen.
being a plumber depending on what level u are is actually a really nice paying job it is just that no one really wants to do it.....
hopefully in 4-5 years when im in collage i wont be you.
but also, hopefully in 4-5 years when im in collage transportation will be tubes.
;47234080']If you're not commited to college you won't last. You'll end up owing several thousand dollars for a year or less of school and you'll want out. If you're not in it for good, you're just wasting a lot of time and money.
In the long run a NYC plumber makes about the same as a doctor... and the majority of people doing plumbing work in NYC are putting up new construction... I don't know what the fuck your talking about. 37,000 a year is like bottom of the line pay for a NYC plumber.
I didn't make up my mind... That's why i am asking the question... I am just correcting someone for what they think is right.
yeah, but a doctor is a well educated person with an intellectually challenging, satisfying job.

But in all seriousness, if plumbing makes you happy, be a plumber. If you're doing it because you think they make good money, find something you like.