To the gamers: I need a handheld that's educational for my 2 small children.?


May 13, 2008
The graphics on the smart cycle are completely pathetic and disappointing (especially for over $100), nothing moves on the Leappad (we still have and love it), and my 2yo peed on my daughter's Leapster... she was over it anyhow. I need some advice on the best system with the most options for educational games for little ones. We don't go for violence. I'm talkin math, spelling, geography, etc. Help me out PLZ!!! Thanks!
I suggest not getting your kids involved with video game-type learning devices.

For me, it translated into a fullblown video game addiction in my adolescent years. I wish i was never exposed to that stuff.
Don't get anything electronic; this does not stimulate the brain at all; this just tells kids what to think by staring at a screen all day... instead, get them a chemistry set, or Legos, or something that actually involves performing an action.