To those who complain that colleges and media are too liberal: why not try


Jul 3, 2008
conservative universities and media? I hear so many conservatives on Yahoo talking as though they had no options in regards to education and media, save for some talk-radio hosts and one or two colleges. This isn't true. Stop playing martyr!

1. Grove City College - 600 students per grade, the finest conservative college in science-related fields and business; strong sports programs; maintains a 50%-50%[1] male-female ratio[2]
2. Patrick Henry College - 80 students per grade, the finest conservative college for debate,[3] good political connections for internships when there is a Republican President
3. Liberty University - 3000 students per grade and over 50,000 students overall; "the largest and fastest growing Christian Evangelical university in the world"; strong sports programs
4. Thomas Aquinas College - 90 students per grade,[4] highest SAT scores of conservative colleges (particularly verbal); rigorous "old books" curriculum with only one major; many grads join religious orders
5. Christendom College - 100 students per grade, the entire school participates in the annual March for Life; good proximity to D.C.
6. Franciscan University at Steubenville - at 600 students per grade, it is the largest conservative Catholic college; 60%:40% women-to-men ratio[5]
7. King's College in New York City - 60 students per grade, located in the Empire State Building; reportedly attracts less conservative students[6]
8. United States Coast Guard Academy - more Christian than most Christian colleges
9. Ave Maria University - increased to 300 students per grade; many scholarships, particularly for veterans; located in a remote area of southern Florida
10. Bob Jones University - Republican presidential candidates speak here to win support in South Carolina; long tradition of welcoming homeschoolers
11. Pensacola Christian College - in the heart of one of the most conservative areas in the nation, the Florida panhandle
12. Hillsdale College[7] - known for its free-market economics department
13. Newberry College - welcomes homeschoolers on its website and is located in conservative South Carolina
14. Brigham Young University - the largest private university in the nation with more than 30,000 students,[8] this college has several branches and is affiliated with the Mormon Church
15. Benedictine College - 460 students per grade, located in Kansas
16. Evangel University- a private Christian university affiliated with the Assemblies of God; located in Springfield, Missouri.
17. University of Dallas - 300 students per grade, a Catholic school not quite as traditional as others on this list
18. Augustine College - located in Ottawa, Canada, its motto is "credo ut intelligam" ("I believe in order that I may understand")
19. Oral Roberts University - located in the Bible Belt, in Tulsa, Oklahoma
20. University of Chicago - associated with 85 Nobel Laureates, birthplace of the Chicago school of economics (a school of thought, not a program) which rejects Keynesian theory

As for media, they are not all liberal. Try these:

Conservative Newspapers / Magazines
Wall Street Journal
The Weekly Standard
Washington Times
American Spectator
Christian Science Monitor
The Hill
NY Post
Human Events
National Review
National Journal
Investors Business Daily
American Conservative Magazine
Modern Age
The New American
Chronicles (magazine)
Soldier of Fortune
Army Times
Commentary Magazine
Reason (magazine)
Tea Party Review
City Journal
That is pretty good. You listed practically every conservative media out there. EVERY ONE. Some of the stuff you listed is NOT conservative though. Whistleblower??? Soldier of Fortune??? Just because something is related to the military does not make it conservative.

Some of the universities you list are great and some are not. For example, Notre Dame has really failed the Catholic Church in recent years through its repeated trampling of church teachings.

There are some great colleges, universities and media out there, but it would take a mental midget to believe it is anywhere near fifty fifty. There is an overwhelming liberal bias in most journalism schools, most major media(print, television and theater/movie), most public administration and politicial science programs and most universities in general.

The one media where conservative thought reigns supreme is radio. Radio is a thinking mans medium and talk radio is dominated by Limbaugh, Praeger, Hannity, Medved, Hewitt and others. The ratings are out of this world for conservative radio and are a total failure for liberal.

Even in radio - you have NPR which is getting in trouble all the time for being so ridiculously hostile to conservative thought.

Conservatives are not playing martyr. We do understand though the reality when we raise our kids. We teach them to be critical thinkers and not just to believe it because it was on CNN or the New York Times or some bum sleeping on the street and defecating on police cars says it is so.
The important question is whether you get a well rounded education by attending a school that makes sure you don't hear a side they don't approve of. I would suggest that having a degree from these schools on your resume will assure that you get a second rate job later on in life.