Today is my 11 month aniversary with my bf, is it too soon to have sex?

How old are you and your bf?
If you are under 18 you should wait and buy a chastity belt.
You do not have to have sex just because the whole world thinks it is right to do so.
Save yourself for marriage.
Don't let him use you that way. It is not love.
That is lust!!
It's completely up to you, just stick with when you believe is the right time.
Well considering your like not Married, then Yes ITS WAAAY to Soon to get married.
no but dont have sex just because alot of time has gone by and you still havent done it. Give yourself to someone because you love and care deeply for them and you trust this person with your heart and your body. Make sure the feeling comes natural and you feel safe and secure
The right age to have sex is 17. Has been and always has been. Are you 17? If so, do it. If you are under 17, then no.
Wait at least a year. How old are you?

Nevermind, I think if you're barely a sophomore then its too early.
if it feels right then no if it dont then no. theres nothing easy about 11 months so dont let that bother u. i know a lot of people that have sex first date so it wouldnt be easy. :)
I think the fact that ur asking means that ur not ready. Whether you 2 say ur ready or not tho i think that its good that u havent had sex and I believe you should try 2 wait until marriage.
It really depends on your age. If you guys are around fifteen or sixteen then that's a pretty normal and its a good time. If both ready for it then go ahead. But yeah, if your any younger than that you should def wait. And yeah, sorry to be all romantic but does he love you? Is it mutual? If it is then this def is a good time if your both ready.
Give it a year. That will be more special because it's been a whole year. I would say wait even longer because sex shouldn't be something you do because you gotta have it; it should be something you do because you want to connect on a different level. For it to truly be special, you should really love and understand each other. :)