Toilet/Mobile Phone Etiquette...

Mwhahahah! Welcome to the darkside, Victoria.

Everyone welcome Victoria to MAP *everyone chanting* "one of us, one of us etc..."
I hope this works. I am posting this using my Nintendo DS whilst on the bog. An MAP first I hope.
Because 1. we want to gossip, 2. we want to gossip, 3. we just get frightened going on our own.
What do you gossip about? i mean thats all you do when your together anyway regardles of where you are?!

why do you get scared? do you get your mum to go with you at home?
Must be a female thing: I've never needed moral support while pinching a loaf; although, it does hold new possibilities for the fart game. You could really get your buddies good with one fresh before the launch.

A request to pull a finger should never be followed by a plop.