Torncity account for sale!?

looking to sell my torn account
level 60+
500M in the bank
donator status
good stats
Property: Private Island
Game rank: #20 Supreme
Points: 700
Life: 619,030 / 619,030
Age: 1,600+
Criminal offences: 35k
Battle stats
Speed: 159M
Strength: 158M
Defense: 16k
Dexterity: 1M
Total: 319M
Working stats
Manual labor: 48k
Intelligence: 26k
Endurance: 39k

make reasonable offer

davidfiola (A) gmail
selling TC account

level nearly 60
Battle Stats over 650mils
Property - Private island
money - nearly 7bills
most benefits stock
donator 200days left
Xanax - 200
points 10k above

Price $ 1500
looking to buy upto 4 bill tc cash, no scamming or messing about contact me with your prices - kiz224 (A) googlemail

I am Selling a Torn City Account, lvl 49, 1.6mill battle stats, private Island, armour & weapons worth 400mill, 100+ donator days on account, 5+ years in game. Rank 18+
Mail me at darlingsurprise(A)hotmail(dot)com Asking $600 OBO less then $100 per year + many benefits.
selling TC account lvl

Level : 55
Rank : Outstanding
Property: Private Island - full upgrade
Cash money : $700,000,000
Money in bank : $2,600,000,000
Director of a big company : daily profit 40 mills
Leader of a 1,200 respect Faction

and manny others ...

mail me with your price : alexandramirea(a)

Trading a top-end decently equipped Anarchy online account OR a level 56 Runescape account for Torn city items, property or cash.

Add me on msn: Tradingaoacc(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
i want to sell tc money abt 2 bil, mail me with your offer at myominoo(at)gmail(dot)com
Selling Level 60+ Torn city account
600mil stats
over 3bill cash
365+ donator days
over 5000 point
and items, stocks worth over 3bill
own Private Island

Mail me for more info or offers

PSP147A at gmail dot com
Selling TC Money ... mail me with your offers at alexandramirea(a)
Selling torncity account

50 lvl
~1/4 mil total cash
Life: 288,477 / 288,477
Battle stats ~4 mil
>300 points, >100 merits
Living in spouse's private island,
Good salary (400k)
Ability to spy

Mail me with offers - chesspiciline at yahoo dot com