Tried having sex with uncircumsized guy but he complained it hurt?


New member
Feb 21, 2010
So last night this guy i've been talking to for a while were in the moment and stuff and we tried having sex, we didn't use a condom and he like couldn't really even get his penis in.. he said sorry and then he told me that because he's uncircumsized it hurts when he doesn't have sex with a condom.. is that normal? Also.. I gave him head for a little bit so I don't understand how that wouldn't hurt.. I don't think he's a virgin or anything.. he could be, but i'm pretty sure he's not.

anybody know any more on this subject?
He was either oversensitive (happens with uncircumcised guys sometimes), had an STD, or you were too tight and/or not lubricated enough. Or he was just lying to you and had never gone bareback before.

Curious why you wouldn't make him wear a condom if you didn't know enough about him to know if he was a virgin or not.
Not normal.

The only way - is if you were not lubricated well?

If lubricated well - then condoms are more uncomfortable for a natural guy.

Many natural guys are so sensitive that premature ejaculation, without a condom, may have been a concern.
Yes, and it is one of the reasons that some guys select circumcision as adults. There are many reasons for pain. One is a glans that is ultra sensitive. You should know if it is too sensitive for sex, it is likely too sensitive for adequate cleaning as well. Often the cause of ultra sensitivity is yeast. Another reason for pain is that the foreskin is adhered to the glans so when it pushes back it pulls and hurts. The obvious thing is to use a condom which you should do every time anyway.