Triplets born to teenager - again!


Feb 26, 2008

So.... 1 son + 2 sets of triplets = 7 kids at 16!

ok, now this is what we argentines call "no podes"(literally meaning "you can't").

someone remove that girl's womb, please(if it still works, that is.
Maybe this is some sort of new genetic adaptation, which may in turn be passed to her kids, if so, then conceivably, Pamela will have around 100 descendants within 30 years! Basically, if the new evolved Pamela sub-species is not checked, then soon enough they will all be Pamelas!
I second that.

JC, you can't adopt a child or even a dog without inspection with a fine tooth comb, why should 16 y/o's be left to pop out 7 kids???? Is the father still around? Is he working and supporting these 7 mouths and bums? How many more little souls is she going to condemn before someone sticks a cork in her!

Sometimes I think people should need a license to be allowed to breed
Are we sure they belong to the same father??

This is actually a huge problem among the Hispanic community at my school (I'm not going to comment outside my school, as I don't know)... Parents don't come until hours after the kids do, so they're home alone & left to do whatever... end result being we have very few female Hispanic students that manage to get through HS without getting pregnant.

I actually have a student who got caught having the following convo in class:

Student: "Dude, I think I'm gonna be a dad." (he's 14.)

Friend: "Whoa. Hey, isn't (girl who sits behind him) hot?"

Student: "Seriously. I'd love to (against the TOS to say, but you get the idea)."

It simply blows my mind!
Have any of the other brits here seen those adverts they're showing in the cinemas trying to encourage chavs to use contraception? For the benefit of the non-brits, there are two ads, both showing the same group of chavs off to play football in the park. In one, a lucky chav's mates are playfully ribbing him for using up his comdom supply with his girlfriend. In the other, they're calling him an idiot for not using contraception. I wonder how effective they are? I haven't seen such clearly-targeted public service advertising in a long time. They've obviously identified their demographic and gone straight for the jugular.
It isn’t just one reason why this kind of thing is happening more, its lots of things.

Basically, most of the world is heading for the gutter.
This issue has been going on for years. My mother, a school health nurse for Montgomery Co. Md., used to have to deal with situation as far back as 1970. There was a huge disconnect w/ Latin American families and birth control. Sad to see that it hasn't changed.
My dear, you seem to have forgotten about project housing and section 44, or whatever (where renters participate in government subsidies for their renters, sometimes requiring their tenants to be eligible for it).

Plus the welfare that they get for being single parents. Our government is definitely subsidizing it too.
I'm not much for blaming religions for problems, but on this one we can say . . . thank you Catholicism! Thank you for spreading your religion all over Mexico and South America and teaching all those nice little people that birth control is a sin!

The thing is here in the UK, and i would assume its the same in the US, the government is obsessed with combating child poverty, so they seem to pump all the benefits to any 16 year old mum so's that the child wont be seen to be in poverty. Which doesn’t really help much, as they are on the bread line living in the gutter, but are being hand fed to stay there.

The governments seem to only feed the symptoms not the causes, and they just breed this kind of mentality in the young or socially excluded.

Not saying thats the only reason, as clearly its not, and alot of these people are reasonable for what they do, but with the government handing out policies like they are they are only serving to increase this thing
Quite off the way this conversation is going, but that's actually pretty amazing. 2 sets of triplets? Wow.
Ah yes... I did forget about that. You don't see it much around where I am.
Yes, well... isn't having children out of wedlock also supposed to be a sin? Doesn't seem to have stopped anyone...
On the bright side she's a sure thing for anyone living in Argentina

I'm going to repeat what Hiroji said. i think this is an excellent and comedic example of exactly how freaking stupid the government is. They subsidize something with one hand and chastise it with the other. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, DIP DOGS!!

You'd think that countries would employ someone who could look at the government at a very high level, and see policies like this and say "hey, that's stupid, I'm gonna have my staff fix that." You know, like a president, or a prime minister!!