True competency of the British Police Force

just asking. dont any of you brits get mad. always heard police in england dont carry guns. yet see different on bbc. whats the deal?
What it actually was was an orange parade or something nd the kids took the opportunity to have a larf and fake burgled their own house. Fact is the police didnt do owt about it did they
Ordinary bobbies don't caryy guns but there are fireaerms response units and the guys who guard airports and guard the PM carry them as a matter of course.
To add to the above: I'm guessing if they know that they're dealing with armed crinimals then they would also carry a gun.
Yes and no. They'd send in an armed police squad, they wouldn't give rifles or hand guns to normal policemen.
The truth is the current youth generation are not afraid of the police, and the police are so restricted they cannot enforce the law properly. It's not their fault it's all politics.

Yes. Although extendable batons, pepper spray (and now tasers) are in use, overall the police surveys of their own members indicate that they feel that gun crime is not sufficient enough a threat to warrant all police being armed, nor do many police want the added problems that firearms might bring.
So far as I know the Police are taught to a degree how to use their batons and some locks and pins. That's it. The rest is verbal I think. Maybe someone who's been in the Police or is in the Police can help us out here?
LMAO!!! It's so true! Stop or me an my fat mates will call in the helicopter!!!