Trying to quit smoking?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I would have NEVER started smoking if I knew it was this hard to stop.
I am having a lot of trouble, and keep failing. I was never a heavy smoker. I simply enjoy one when I get home from work, and then a few more throughout the evening. I never even have one all day through work, and it doesn't bother me. But, I'll tell you what, as soon as I'm on my way home, I can't wait to get there. Ugh. I HAVE to stop, I'm having issues related to the smoking....Any good ideas on how to help me quit?
try the patch or gum... or just dont buy em... youll feein lyke hell but eventually stop.. or try sunflower seeds... those always help
my moms cousin said to eat the end of the cigarettes and u will never smoke again or try the nicotine patches or the gum. GOOD LUCK TRYING TO QUIT!!!!