Type your name with your nose

I can't believe I'm degrading myself to this but....

Into the abyss = into the abyss (omg can't believe I managed that! my keyboard smells funny...)

Ok heres with my elbow:
inmjtgol tghjed abnyudssd (yeah recognise!)
anth - with my nose (had to take my specs off first, so I could hardly see the keyboard )

azntghn - with my elbow

Anth - with pommel of sai

Anth - with tip of sai (both sai versions using one sai for shift)

anth - with big toe (eep! Giving the size of my toe I expected it to be unreadable!)

Pretty good that

gaskell - nose

gaskell, - elbow

Gaskell - pommel of sai

Gaskell - tip of sai

gaskell - big toe

Wow! I am pretty good
whyikkari - with my nose
shikkarik - chin not too bad bad
shikkai - my keyboard tastes of polish damn you mother
syghui8jijkuar4e5ui8 - no pointy elbows here
shiokkasr5io - big toe

i like the first one sounds like my boyfreind when he slips into geordie
nose - xue fang
elbow - xuie fsangf
forehead - suyhs fza\ bgvfbt

I'd better not try any more... the people in the computer room are looking at me weird.
wax - nose, peh.
wwwax - elbow, still peh
we3s2aasqxsd - heel
waxz - big toe
wseazsxc - knee
rtf8gt43piloo0t - no pointy nose here.

fugepilot - elbow is well sharp.

fugepilot - crutch works fine too.

fduy7gftewilkoitr5 - cast is not so good though.