unanswerable questions


New member
Feb 18, 2008
that is a really hard word to spell. Anyways I like these stupid questions like "what came first..." so I was wondering what ones the MAP community know. I'll start with my favourite: "What happens when an irresistible force hits an immovable object"? Let the mind bending begin.
Well if the irresistible force cant bounce off of the immovable object then maybe they both just explode into nothingness
The force created by such a meeting would mean either the irresistible force goes through the immovable object at the atomic level. Or, more likely, they blow up.

my theory is they both explode or whatever. so how about "if a tree falls in the woods and no ne hears it does it make a sound?" I guess the answer is yes but we'll never know. Are there any MA themed questions like this?
OK so why does Satan punish sinners in hell?
Satan was the most beautiful angel who fell from grace and banished from heaven by God.
And thus is understandably rather miffed.
So why would he punish people who have spent a lifetime disobeying the guy who kicked him outta heaven. Surely he'd rather buy them a drink?
Is cold fusion a myth, and if not could it really be the future of energy and the preventer of global warming? I have no idea what that means but it sounds good.
if a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around to hear it,do the other trees laugh at it?

And satan makes those who deserve it be punished,are done so here on earth by his minions... they are known as politicians.
Ah yes... Politicks... from Latin Poly, meaning many and Ticks being a blood-sucking organism...
The immovable force and unstoppable object are the same thing.

They are a Chuck Norris roundhouse. So they'd never meet. The end.
Being an engineer... the glass is overspecified; it's twice as large as it needs to be.

Alternatively, if your specification is for the glass and not for the milk, you've been shortchanged on the milk; the milk is insufficient.
if it's a shot glass and it's half empty,you better get it down!
if it's half full; you damn well better keep pouring!
I would say if you are pouring liquid in to a glass and stop half way, then its half full.

If your emptying/drinking from a glass and stop after half way, then its half empty.

Job done!