Using GNC Whey Protein Complex effectively?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
I have a 5 lbs container and I'm approaching the end of my sports season. I still wan to add more muscle as I'll need it in the Infantry (US Army). I've used Six Star nutrition a few months ago (July '11) and I feel very unsatisfied with the minimal results, so I clearly wasn't using it properly. I want to know what I've been doing wrong. Now that I'm in school and have a weights class, which I am lifting 3 out 5 days (M/W/TH). I am currently 6' 4" 245, kinda overweight but am playing football so I am athletic. I just want more toned muscle and less visible fat. So would I get results before the container runs out and how can I make more bearable to drink because I have to drink it in school and it tastes like shit when you just shake it.