Vacation and dogs - how can we make this work?


Mar 30, 2008
We own 13 dogs and our family is having a reunion about 4 hours away from where we live. We want to go to it but we do not want to without our dogs.Our cars are not big enough to take them all. We have a horse trailer (and truck to haul it) and I have been think about taking them in there for the drive. (but would that be very safe? would it get too hot for them?) We are going to my cousins ranch so there is plenty room for them to stay with us and they are all very well behaved. We just do not want to leave them at home. Any suggestions on how we could transport them there? Has anyone had to do this before or been in this situation? Any ideas would be great. We love them very much and think they should be at our family reunion because they are our family.
Just so everyone knows these are family pets they are not in anyway used for breeding purposes. They are like our children. Also we have the means to provide them with everything they need and want; emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Thirteen dogs in our family is not much. There is practically as many animals as humans in our family.Some may say it is a bit extreme but this is the life we have chosen and are very very happy with it.
I love dogs, but I would never want a family member to bring 13 over.* Have you talked to your cousin about it.* And if they said yes was it a true yes or one of the yes's people give when they really don't want it, but don't want to seem rude?Anyway personally I would find a dog sitter, but if you feel you must take them I'm sure they would be okay in a horse trailer.*