Vacation with Baby or not?


May 26, 2008
Before I was pregnant my husband and I already planned a trip to Maui for his fathers b day. We now have a 2 year old and a 6 month old baby. We have purchased a ticket for our 2 and a half year old son to come but the plan is to leave our 7 month old then daughter at my moms. But now i am becoming a little stressed about leaving her and keep changing my mind on whether to bring her or not. I know it will be a hand full travelling with and taking a toddler to maui and realize that my daughter might enjoy being at my moms more rather than travelling andbeing somewhere she doesnt recognize and it will be hot. I dont know if I should take her or not. Any experiences of travelling with a toddler and infant or opinions would be appreciated.
We will be staying in a condo and it is for 10 days.
for the one said that its worse to leave her with a mom her grandma is hardly a stranger