Vertical Jump basketball?


May 13, 2008
I am 5'7 190 lbs (kinda overweight...around 19% body fat) and with 0 steps my standing vertical is about 1.5 inches from an NBA rim. With a running start.........and momentum I am able to get about an inch over an NBA rim. I have begun to realize that if I dropped 20 pounds I would probably be getting higher. I have never done plyometrics....however I do lift but not's mostly squats and deadlifts. I used to be 160 pounds and I would touch rim as well (but I was not squatting back then). The only difference now is that I am 30 pounds heavier (at 160 I was 21% body fat) I have more muscle mass.

I guess my question is.......would I be able to dunk if I lost weight and trained with plyometrics?
Forgot to add that my standing reach is about 7'6....and I am pretty sure when I stretch it out I get a reach of 7'8. My wingspan is around 5'11.