Very ouch!

I've been in a farm before and the bulls I saw looked dull enough.

Maybe because it wasn't mating season?
The matador should've roundhouse kicked the bull in the head.

Or maybe he did and the bull did a single leg takedown.
It beggars belief that a seemingly modern society like Spain can still condone this sort of thing when we banned it in the UK in 1835 FFS.
On the other hand we allow 'sports' like hare coursing. Fox hunting was only banned a few years ago. I don't think we're in a position to hold ourselves up as a role model where animal cruelty is concerned, I'm afraid.
Well no...we really are. Considering we are on the tail end of nearly 200 years of a process of banning systemised animal cruelty for entertainment while Spain seemingly hasn't even started.

And you'll find that hare coursing is also banned mate.
Fox hunting wasn't banned a few years ago. "Hunting with dogs" was. That includes coursing too.

And as much as I abhor hunting it is *slightly* different to putting an animal in a closed arena to be systematically tortured to death.
I honestly don't know if any other bloodsports are common in Spain. I've always found it rather contradictory that possibly the nicest warmest and most friendly people in Europe can also be possibly the cruellest to animals. Although to be fair, I believe many Spaniards find bullfighting just as repugnant as anyone else.

My mistake about hare coursing. With fox hunting, it was sloppy wording on my part. Thanks for the correction.

I'd say it's a matter of degree rather than of kind. But I'm glad we don't have anything quite as barbaric as bullfighting over here.
I'm glad we don't have anything quite as barbaric as bullfighting over here.

Me too. That was basically my point.
Lol, usual PC response to a genuine question, thanked by the usual suspects.

Do the spanish still throw Donkeys from the tops of towers during festivals or was that one stopped?
The bull went out with Glory, Excellent.

Lets hope it was recodnised, and the bull was sent to a stud.. to spawn future "Matador" killers/maulers.