very strange vivid dreams any ideas?


New member
Jan 2, 2011
I very rarely remember my dreams, I believe the last one i can really remember was from when i was around 18, im 26 now. these came in a series of dreams last night & early hours of this morning.
The first one was crazy, I seem a bit older than i am now, but i have no kids (i have 2) i want a baby so my friend lets me babysit hers, but im totally incapapble of looking after her. I look away for five minutes and shes climbed out of the window onto the front porch. I get her down but as im holding her in my arms, her weight seems to keep going very 'top' heavy so she keeps falling out of my arms and i cant stop her falling... Woke up after this went downstairs.

dream 2... I can hear in my dream lots of people outside shouting, my partner gets up to look out the window and someone throws a bottle at him, it injures his eye, i walk him to the stairs panicking when i hear someone downstairs.. so i move my two daughters (sleeping) and place them hidden in the wardrobes. when we get downstairs theres a tall bald pale man lounging against the door frame, he has a long knife and a can of beer, i scream and he lunges at me im trying to stay infront of my partner so i try grab the knife, but wake up at that point, I stayed awake in bed for a lil while.

dream 3. Theres two young boys who have cars, but theyre lifeseize toy cars? the go off down a steep hill and crash into an old mans allotment, i race down with two other strangers to help the man, he has a big hog type pig trying get out of the whole left by the cars. So as im trying help the man patch up his fence, i hear a loud rumbling, and to the side of me theres a long steep hill going down with stairs at the top, one of the people helping us is on the steps she hurt her ankle, the rumbling gets louder and the stairs and land all close is turning into a huge landslide, i freak out and suddenly im actually in the middle of this hill/landlide, i start climbing upwards and am so close to getting away but the woman whos hurt is there, to get to the top id have to climb over her and she begs me to stay, i actually contemplate in my dream of just trampling her, but i stay, and we are taken down the landslide, i can feel myself inhaling the dust, feel the rubble, im all broken and bruised and teres a helicopter coming to us, but just past the helicopter theres hundreds of army type planes, i wake up as the helicopter is nosediving down to us, presumably to rescue us... i hope lol

So there you go, can anyone interpret these? very sorry for the terrible gramma etc, im rushing as i type as theres so much. Im a 26 year old female with two little girls and live fine at home with my fella, as i said ive never really been one ofr dreams, and i dont understand why these ones bother me, probably because im not used to them haha
hope someone can figure something out from them, if theres anything to be figured even :)