Viewer Disrection! Animal Cruelty From Farm To Fridge

I agree, but then I've eaten meat all my life. If someone chooses not to eat meat on moral grounds then I respect their decision, even if I don't share their views.

I do prefer to eat meat that has been 'ethically' reared. I would prefer it if the animals that we eat have as good a life as possible, partly on ethical grounds, partly because meat that has been reared responsibly is less likely to be contaminated, and partly because it is likely to taste better.
Same as you. Even the way lions kill their meat is more humane than the OP video, because up til the moment they're selected by the lions, at least they're out happily living their natural lives.

I have to watch my meat intake because of the gout, and I cannot eat red meat at all, but I agree with you about what people choose to eat or not eat - their life and choice. I only care about - Was the animal treated with care and respect?
Why would she do this? I did not say anything negative/personally towards her.

(Also to mention, why would you believe she could knock me flat on my back)

This is not correct thinking. A lion hunting/chasing prey is not "humane". The prey realises the lions are there. They live a life of fear and caution. The prey is running for its life and realises it will be eaten. Domestic livestock do not realise they will be eaten

Well, if you read my posts, the "family" (my mother's) cattle/livestock are treated well. All the way to slaughter. Their slaughter house has been humane before Temple's methods

But they(family) treating animals (raised for consumption intent) is not about humane, it is about taking care of the "investment"

Of course, the young cousins, especially girls like my daughter, manage to pull some each year to life a full life
I did read the thread. I mean that she would criticize you for your attitude, thoughts, and beliefs towards and about these animals.

and yes even the lions are more humane than the OP's video.
My attitude, thoughts, and beliefs?

Sum these up from your perspective....please

Lions are humane? So the prey is not stressed, more than animals in a slaughter house? Sorry to say, you are incorrect
Taste is dependent on diet. Diet generally isn't linked to whether an animal is treated one way or another. Practices such as force feeding for foi gras (sp?) being exceptions. Point is you could for example treat cattle poorly but still provide a good diet because you want to get top dollar for the beef.

PASmith,no maybe about them there agligators.Don't go for a dip in the Everglades!
I'm incorrect?

When lions do any of the stuff to their prey that is shown in the OP's video, let me know.
You still did noy go into details of my attitude, thoughts, and beliefs?

Sum these up from your perspective....please

Again, cattle to slaughter isnt as much stressed as prey for Lions \The prey is not stressed, more than animals in a slaughter house? Sorry to say, you are incorrect
You mean like eating prey whilst it is still alive? Here you go

(spoilered because it is not pretty, but it IS on Nat geo and therefore educational)
I'm really starting to take up an interest in these kinds of views over animal treatment/"humans are horrible" stuff. Half the proposals made by groups pushing these ideas of treating animals humane I agree with, but the intent/logic/rational is so radically 'out there.'
If you really think a cow being killed by a lion is even comparable to the conditions of factory farming then you are on drugs.

Incidentally, I don't see how another animals behavior should influence our behavior. That sounds too much like an argument from nature to me.
Would you rather be killed and eaten or eaten alive?

Nature is a bitch so lets not use that as an argument against humanity and the way we behave because the animal kingdonm ain't a holistic paradise of rainbows and unicorns
That would be a valid comparison if we got our meat by sneaking up on cows and then putting a bullet through their brain, but we don't. We often keep them in terrible and cruel conditions for their entire lifespan.

Personally, as a meat eater, I think we need to get rid of factory farming; for both ethical and environmental reasons.
You get no argument here - have you seen the extra excrement/waste from factory famrs? Ethical considerations aside it absolutley wrecks the place environmentally
There is no need to "sneak up" on cows. They are simply loaded on wagons, walked through a chute, and a air hammer does the trick. No wasted bullets

The problem with factory farming does not only lay on these groups. After all, it is the rise in population which stimulates massive demand
Uh huh.

Demand is just a want, there is nothing that necessitates meeting it. I want tenure at Oxford, that doesn't mean it is going to happen.

Likewise just because we demand more meat doesn't mean that we need to produce more to meet that demand.

There was a time, not too long ago, where eating meat everyday for every meal was a luxury afforded by very few outside of the noble class; that has all changed now.

It's not just a population increase it's also linked to changes in what kind of production is possible which has made the desire for meat everyday into one which we can fulfill thus changing our consumption habits.
We need to start breeding insects for food. As long as I'm not actually crunching up a cockroach I don't really mind where protein comes from.
Or maybe man-made meat from cow stem cells.