Visa giftcard

Just put your name.
You can usually only use it for something with a one time payment so you cant subscribe to netflix or something with it.
actually. the way credit cards work is that they run a small amount on your credit card, to make sure funds are there, and lets you proceed and purchase stuff. so you could purchase 100 dollars worth of stuff on a gift card

Problem:where most kids get screwed in]
1) get a gift card with ~100 dollars on it
2)go to several websites and click, checkout, go though, and type in all your information... but do not click to finalize the order. (all orders have to be well under 100 dollars (70 or something)
What happens:
and then, all at once purchase everything at once, thus chargin the company 300 - 400 dollars at one time, the computers still say you have correct amount of fund, but they havnt transfered the funds yet and the computers are still registrating as a pending charge... so your clear.

Howevor, this is considered credit card fraud, and i didnt post this here letting you know this could be done.

i hope this makes sense, i typed quickly. and you dont understand much of it unless you have a real credit card and understand the workings of charges and pending charges..