Vista won't connect to the internet?


Ginny R

I've had my laptop for awhile. I had been using the ethernet cable to connect to the internet for almost half a year without problems. Then, out of the blue, my internet connection suddenly died. It says it's connected to local only.

I have no idea what's wrong. The cable's plugged in. When I used the same cable on my old laptop (running on XP), the internet's fine. So, the modem's obviously not the problem.

I can connect to wireless internet just fine on my vista laptop, but it won't allow me to use my ethernet cable.

I've called my ISP, they made me configure my connection, which made it as slow as a dial-up before dying again after a few days.

I got lucky once and managed to update my driver (or firmware, I forgot. It's been two months) for my LAN. My internet ran fine for a few days after that before dying again.

Any suggestions?