waking up with hangover?? remedy

Apr 17, 2009
im just bored and tired from a long night of ....stuff ha
and i can just started thinking about some crazy remedys to cure hangovers?
eatting lots of bacon or eggs or just drink more anyone :D
what are yours?
Stop drinking, acting stupid, embarrassing yourself and your friends, and inquiring upon 11 year olds on the internet for "hangover remedies".
Big black says:
Tell us the recipe for your hangover remedy.
Big: It’s Tums, lemon juice, ice, a little Pepto Bismal and some orange soda—you blend it up like a cocktail. It helped when I was in the Navy and I used to drink like a fish.
IDK but a kid at my school was suspended for coming to school with a MASSIVE hangover. He projectile vomitted on 2 hot chicks then continued to piss him self. Must have been a good halloween.
i usually drink lots of water and take it easy, sleeping is best, and eat food, even if you don't feel like it, it will make you feel better
also, when you drink. Drink water with whatever you drinking.
1) you wont get that bad of a hangover.2)doesn't get you drunk as fast
and the water helps delude or w/e its call the alcohol
Eat bread, drink water, mix tums, pepto bismal, ice, and fresh berries in a smoothie. Got rid of mine in about an hour.
drink water after you drink. i always try to stop by the convenience store and get a bottle of water on my way home. it works perfectly every time.

unfortunately, i forgot to do that last night, and i am hungover now.

but water is magic. remember that
I don't get hangovers. Therefore I can't help you. Just thought I had to throw my good fortunes in here to bug you.