War between science and religion? how so?

Mar 24, 2008

Science has beaten religion like a red-headed stepchild, every single time a scientific discovery contradicted an article of faith.




You'd think the religious wingnuts would've learned their lesson by now: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Back in the day, christian theocracies chartered scientific explorations (as scientists back in the day were mainly aristocrats who had time for that sort of business) and the key focus was to gain knowledge of "Gods grand design" or "Intellectual design." It wasn't christians of all people that were under the impression that the universe was pure chaos and not worthy of investigating.......right? It wasn't until there was a premise for the lattice work of God that stemmed science.

People act like christians reject science, I just think its funny because that's fundamentally the opposite of what history tells us.
Below are two translation of a verse in the quran noting the relationship between knowledgable people and god,ofcourse knowledge will proove the majesty of the god in creation ,35:28. And of men and beasts and cattle, in like manner, divers hues? The erudite among His bondmen fear Allah alone. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Forgiving. Y S C

Pickthal's Quran Translation

35:28. And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

you can tour in this site;http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/
Not really.

Christians already had an answer and some were curious enough to seek explanations for their answer. But when they started looking for facts, they found a lot of the facts contradicted and were incompatible with their answers. That's when science was always an enemy of christianity and the church worked to suppress it. Christians who explored real science could not have been fundamentalists, while real christians explored pseudoscience and pretended they were equals.

Evolution? Scientific evidence to back it up? It's been observed already in laboratories? Brah... I better close my ears and read the bible over and over again, pretending I never heard the contradictions which might shake my faith if I'm honest with myself.
You mean like Galileo? How did the leading science organization of yours, the Church, treat him?

The Church has fought every single scientific discovery that disproves the bible. Evolution is just the latest.

Please, seriously.
You must read different history books than I do.
Exploration of the world was done by Kings and Queens out of greed, not expanding knowledge of God or some such gobblegook.
Missionaries went out to convert others in an effort to bring more money into the church.
As for scientific discovery and philosophy, EVERY established religion has stood in the way of scientific discovery over pseudo science and "magic" in order to maintain control over the uneducated masses.
You must read different history books than I do.
Exploration of the world was done by Kings and Queens out of greed, not expanding knowledge of God or some such gobblegook.
Missionaries went out to convert others in an effort to bring more money into the church.
As for scientific discovery and philosophy, EVERY established religion has stood in the way of scientific discovery over pseudo science and "magic" in order to maintain control over the uneducated masses.