Water bed? yes or no

I slept on one for about a week in Florida and it was pretty nice. They feel sweet but idk after a while maybe your back will start hurting. I say just go with a normal mattress to sleep on and get a water bed for fun.
this guy looks like he enjoys his water bed

^ hahaha......I am gonna have to say no. I had one and somehow one of the tubes busted and water went every where. Also there pretty bad on ur back after a while.
i have 3 inches of this stuff on top of my mattress and it is the most comfortable thing in the world... its the same thing as those expensive mattresses except half the price.
only thing is that you have to rotate it often because it gets a dent where you sleep
Yeah, I know about those thin layers, they range from under an inch thick to as much as 8 or so inches thick. I just don't like the feel of that while lying down, personal preference.