We have sex but he barely trys communicating with me..Please i really need help?


New member
Nov 13, 2011
So he'll ask to hangout and I'll go over to his house then we talk a little bit and have sex then he barely talks AT ALL.
Idk if he's just using me for the sex or if he's shy or what?
But when other people are around he talks a lot, and isn't too modest.
He said he likes me but then again words are only words.
I'm hoping he's not using me, but what does it sound like to u guys.?

& I try making conversation with him but it's really hard when we don't have a lot in common and he's not contributing..& yes i know we should have waited to have sex until we knew each other more, but we've known each other for a couple years and we are really attracted to each other. I couldn't help myself.
Please HELP :(