Wedding in church or outdoors?


New member
Oct 1, 2011
So my fiancé and I are very religious. We are true to our faith. Yet I always think that outside weddings are gorgeous. I love outside weddings. I want to have our wedding outside, yet should I have it indoors in a church?? Help me please!
Since you like outdoor weddings then have it.If only i lived in Aspen Colorado i would have my wedding on a mountain....unfortunately im having mine in a chapel :/
Check with your pastor. Many pastors are open to performing religious ceremonies outside the church building.
I'm a Christian and I know many pastors will conduct weddings outside, and I know a few Christian couples who have done so. Ask your pastor. So long as it a Christian ceremony, I don't think anyone will thank you have turned from your faith by having it outside.
I remember that one day in Sunday School when I learned the word "omnipresence" -- God is everywhere.
I strongly believe that, while a church is referred to as God's house, it is ultimately the members that make up the church and it's His presence. I know of this one amazing church that is just growing and growing and teaches the true Gospel and it has three campuses, two in a hotel, and one in a middle school, all of which they rent out every Sunday.

Long story short, what I'm saying is that a church may be a pretty place for a wedding, but no matter if your Mother Teresa or someone who curses God every other second, your marriage will not be any more blessed or holy if it takes place in the church.
So, all that said, have that outdoor wedding of your dreams. =) I know of many pastors who have agreed to perform the ceremony outside of a church and each time, it was just as beautiful as ever.
You can have your wedding in the church w/ a priest and then have a blessing ceremony in front of your friends and family in an outdoor ceremony - that way you get both.
Talk to the minister about whether he would be willing to officiate and outdoor wedding. Then go from there.
Does God only dwell indoors?

A church is just a building.

God is in your heart - with you everywhere.
We can't make that decision for you.

I don't know what denomination you are, but if I were you, I would regret not having my wedding outside if that's what I had my heart set on. A pastor will marry you outside. Unless you have a specific church you wish to be married in, this shouldn't be a problem. Congratulations. :)