Weird dream. Can someone please interpret?


Mar 3, 2008
So i had this dream last night that i was living in like a play or a movie and i had this book in my hands, it had a story and i had to read the lines that i or 'my character' had to say when it was my turn to speak. Everyone else was also following the story that was in the book except they somehow knew their lines (and whatever they said was already in the book) and i didn't know my lines or the story or anything. At first i read a couple of my lines at the right times my character was supposed to speak but just after a couple of lines i couldn't keep up. I couldn't follow the story with what the other people or 'characters' were saying and trying to figure out when it was my turn to speak, turning the pages and keeping up with the others as they moved around and me listening what they were talking about...
It was like a play i didn't have time to rehearse and others did or somehow just knew their lines. It was awful because i was so unprepared and i had no idea why real life was a play in my dream.
There were no cameras and when the dream started the book/play was still at the beginning part of the book but the play/book had already started for a while.