Were the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life exaggerated specifically to...


New member
Jun 27, 2010
...fulfill Old Testament messianic prophecies? Or was the life of Jesus constructed out of older myths? Of other gods from other cultures?

Please pick one of these and stick to it. Thank you so much.
Yes, of course Christians can say the Gospels are true. Sorry I neglected to offer that choice.
Pick one and stick to it? What is this, court?

Besides, there are other options than those two. For instance, some believe that Jesus was a bio-engineered super-human designed by aliens to give them perspective on and influence over our race at the time. This theory stems from the idea that humans themselves are designed by extraterrestrials.

Having said that to ground this discussion in the realm of absurdity where it belongs, I'll go ahead and "pick" the second one. That is, the story of Jesus is a reinterpreted tale based on stories of older origin. There are a fair amount of other cultures that previously told legends about characters very similar in description to Jesus, which suggests that modern monotheistic religions are actually entirely based on much more ancient, dead religions.
You forgot the third answer! "zomg jesus really was who he said he was and god loves our sins and he died for stuff and now we can do bad stuff and get away with it" Most people would pick that one...
Honestly, I have come to believe in the theory that Jesus is just the Catholic/Christian version of the Egyptian Joseph.
I think in some respects yes. I also subscribe to the theory that Jesus knew the prophecies and tried to fore fill them and thus be considered the chosen one. He supposedly had the blood line already.
Almost certainly not, put yourself in the mind of a first century Jew.

These are people who believed God to be a tyrant, mean big man in the sky (Certainly not the God Jesus preacher). The last thing they would do would to be lie about the life of the messiah, due to the great fear of punishment in hell.

Unfortunately, many people still belbelieved to be a tyrant, mean big man in the sky which is probably why so many people dont belbelieve him?

And if the writers of the gospels were to lie or exaexaggerateories, it would have been a man to discover the empty tomb, not a woman, who wouwouldn'tve been a credible character witness considering wemon were babasicallyreated like donkeys in first century Jewish Culture?

Food for hought, i hope so??