what are some funny insults?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
something like, is that your face or did your neck throw up?
or "did you find the guy?" what guy? "the one that hit you with the ugly stick." lol

i looked for stuff on google, theyre kinda lame. anyone got anything funny?
Your "derriere" is so big that when you were out to dinner and bent over to pick up the napkin you dropped, within seconds the busboy had set a table for 6 !!
hey, whats that on your face? what/where? oh its just a little ugly, don't worry about it
whats that hideous thing on your neck? oh its just your face

or my favorite
just simply say "you lookin kinda stupid"
when someone pokes fun at you or says
something to outsmart you
simply point out an obvious problem.
"yeah well, your fat"
simple stuff like that its so simple yet so rude and great
I was called big head at school, when I asked why I was told because your ears are to fare apart.