What are some nutriches foods/recipes to try?

You could always whip up some crazy soups! This one time, I just boiled all the veggies that were lying around (corn, broccoli, onions, peppers, mushrooms, potatoes) and it turned out delicious. You can use your own assortment of vegetables. :)
Of-course I also added flavouring like salt, oregano, white pepper for some heat, and loads of cheese.
(You can also add a bit of corn flour for the soup to thicken.)
If you want, you can drain the veggies once they're soft and whizz them in a mixer before adding them back into the soup.
Soups are the best way to get crazy in a kitchen and hey they're nutritious too! (Go slow on the cheese though! :p)
If you like pasta, here's one for you;

Brown off some mince in the bottom of a large saucepan. Not loads, but enough to cover the bottom of the pan and is about half an inch deep. Add diced onion, and mix. You want the onions to be thoroughly cooked as you do not want crunchy things in this meal yet. Add 5g of butter. Here is the chance to vary your meal; maybe put some chicken in, or rice, or ham. Anything you want. Now, grate a carrot and a parsnip into the saucepan, and get canned tomatoes. Blitz them down to a purée and add them to the mix. Add herbs to taste and stir thoroughly. Serve over pasta that has been boiled with herbs.
Here is a delicious and easy recipe for spinach and ricotta cannelloni.
