What are some situations where you laughed when you shouldn't have?

When one of my friends ate sh*t.
She went down so fast, I couldn't help it, despite the possible injuries.
yes once my family was talking about something serious (i forgot)
and i started laughing a bit i stopped before someone noticed!
I've laughed at funerals...and not during funny parts. I've laughed at weddings, too. I sometimes just have a weird sense of humor.
okay. well there was this guy on the road coughing really loudly on purpose (i think he had mental problems) so anyways not like he was old or anything cos he was a freakin teenager like me he was with this guy and i think he was a gay fraser. anyways back 2 the story...we were in a traffic jam and he was the car in front of me, my mum called an ambulance cos she thought it was serious and then, like, i dunno i think he kinda died. but i didn't care about that. all i cared about was the fact that the traffic jam had now got bigger and i missed my best friends party of the year =(


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well for one.. i always laugh at my teachers jokes.. and the rest of my class never laughs and then i feel dumb..

another time that i laugh when things arent or shouldnt be funny is when one of my friends complains about something.. (she complains ALL the time) and i always laugh because its annoying and shes ALWAYS complaining lol.. she always gets mad but whatever

Another time i laugh is when someone falls down or gets hurt.. because come on! its funny..right!?

i always laugh at peoples face expressions or the way the say certian words.. and they always look at me like "i didnt make a joke".. but just them talking is enough lol

I laugh at people who are dumb also.. i mean like street dumb.. you know.. some people have really good book smarts but no street smart? yeah.. those people are fun to laugh at when they do stupid shit.. lol
My best friends sisters pet just died, and I looked over at my bestie, and she had this blank, careless face on, and I lost it. I laughed for like 2 minutes, I felt so mean, because the sister was so shattered. The face however, was just priceless.

(It was a pet pigeon that died, otherwise I'd be crying too, because I love their other pets..)
This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDLgDf0tYKk&feature=related

I'm sure he's okay.
Oh dear... all the time. Funerals, people dying... yeah, I'm a bit of a morbid person.
I was doing announcements in church and started laughing for no reason. I laughed so hard that the priest started to laughed and the mass was destroyed. Everyone was laughing and I got in trouble at school. Also I always laugh when people fall and one night I accidentally poke my boyfriend in the eye hard and while his eye teared up and he writhed in pain I laughed my ass off
Why ? What means to laugh ? I think people don't know really what means to laugh in different situations. Are moments when I laugh ironic, my inside is screaming and crying and I'm laughing and maybe others think I'm a little infant teen, but they dunno why I'm laughing
haha, well my mom is fighting with her boyfriend right now. and its cracking me up. i shouldn't laugh to be honest... but i cant help it.
I was at a church mass in Louisiana and they were talking about souls being damned to hell for some reason i don't remember and i burst out laughing because i had just got a joke that a friend told an hour before i went to mass. and that's just one of many
When my mother was drunk.. she'd keep repeating stuff over and over and I couldn't help but laugh at her while I waited for the ambulance to arrive. Alcoholic parents do some messed up sh!t do their kids' minds.