What are you doing right now?

Just put together a running route for tomorrow, just hope I don't get lost somewhere along the way
How else is he meant to watch the UFC? Duurrr.
I've watched all sorts of stuff when my daughter was too young to understand what was on the telly.
I don't watch UFC with her now mind. 2 year old copy EVERYTHING.
Sitting around watching the hurricane rip branches off the tree in front of my house. Thankfully the wind is blowing the other way!
Just thought of the fact that sometimes, when the fight is at its top, people can get quite excited and forget the environment

And 2yo fighters are the most dangerous lol, no boundaries

Currently trying to figure out the problem with my Windows 7 64bit install (again), contemplating putting the RC truck back together and wondering if I can get to Asda early tomorrow to get a memory card reader so I can actually view the photos I'm taking with the new camera.
attempting to digest one pizza slice, one giant muffin, one giant cookie, and about 3 liters of water. ow my digestive system. totally worth it though