what are you

That would have made you 11. Thats means you violated the TOS. :dodgy:

This is my original though.
The trend that's making ST so shitty is people acting like this is 4chan and posting two word responses.
05, i was 15 when i opened my first account, so i was pretty immature. (I got a little better, seeing as i have had this one this long) Before this account i went through name changes, but yeah my first account was Penguinkid. I made some dumb thread about ions sucking and got a perm ban lol. It was dumb and it failed.

Edit: 1 year and 4 months is long for me, i want to keep this account
Your not an 02, your an 08.

If you got banned you do not deserve to be a 02 in the first place so there for you are whatever your avatar says.