What are your phobias?

Things in my ears! :nooo:

I panic that 'it' will go too far and pop my ear drum or something :cry2:
Clowns, lifts and snakes.

I can't even look at photo's of clowns because they freak me out so much :(
Snakes. I have never had a bad experience with a snake but I cannot go near them - not even if they're behind glass (what if a Harry Potter type occurance happens? :p:) But in all seriousness, I get really nervous around them, and shivery and can't bare to stand on the ground cause I'm scared they'll slither up my legs or something. Can't even watch them on TV, I'm absolutely terrified of them and have no explanation for it!
Yes i hate ****** clowns aswell!
Especially this one
I have fears of spiders, heights, spiral staircases, death, dolls and construction cranes, weirdly... I don't like ferrets either, though I'm not sure whether that's a phobia or just me not liking them :dontknow:
You should've seen the spider that just crawled up the wall next to me. It was like this.


Well, not quite. Bloody big by British standards though :D

I have a strong fear of birds and a slightly lesser fear of esculators. (I still use them but I feel my heart race and my palms sweat. I had a bad experienc as a child)
I also have a fear of the unknown too.
DENTIST! definitely...

Posting letters....

Being in a shop and fear of someone speaking to me....

Phoning people i don't know...
I cannot stand going on rollercoasters. Absolutely hate them. Also slightly scared of wasps, but that's not too bad.