What came first? Christanity or Judaism?

Christianity is a branch of Judaism since it was created by the Jewish Messiah,Jesus,who taught every one of the Ten Commandments during His earth ministry which was limited by God only to the Jews.It was the Apostle Paul who took Jesus' teachings to non-Jews although he himself never gave up his Jewish faith.
Judaism predated Christianity by 2 to 4 thousand years, depending on which sources you go by. That is why the Hebrew Testament comes first in the bible ahead of the Christian Testament. Jesus himself was a Jew, through and through.
@"liquid Snake", solly, but "gods" were worshiped for thousands of years before Abraham came along. Even in Genesis, "god" was referred to as the Elohim, the sons of El. The Elohim evolved into Yahweh over time from there.
Blessings on your Journey!
Judaism, it was the first religion to worship God (also known as Jehova or Yahweh). Christianity came around at about 30 AD, centuries after Judaism
Christianity began decades after Jesus was born.

Judaism began thousands of years before Jesus was born.

Wikipedia can give you more specifics.
