What celebrity Girl would you class as pretty?

kristen stewart

Lindsay Lohan
Megan Foxj
Amanda Bynes
Taylor Swift

Paris Hilton
Tara Reid
that girl i n HSM with black hair who is dating beautiful Zac
Pretty: Selena Gomez
Demi Lovato
Hayden Panettiere
Ashley Tisdale
Leona Lewis
Nicole Scherzinger (from the pussycat dolls)
all of Girls Aloud!

Ugly: Amy Winehouse (basically cos of everything that she does and what has happened to her) but she really isnt that ugly
Pamela Anderson.
Megan Fox.
Angelina Jolie.
Charlize Theron.

All these women ooze sex appeal.

Beyonce is ugly with her big body.
Sarah Jessica Parker is ugly with her clef chin.
Jennifer Aniston is as just annoying and plain.
Paris Hilton is a completely disgusting lazy, spoiled, drunk, party slut.
pretty: Taylor Swift
Stereotypically pretty
not beautiful though

Ugly: Angelina Jolie
weird Lips

Hayden Pannettiere, and Amanda Bynes, because even though they've been at it for a really long time, they still look fresh. :)

Nikki Hilton too.

Ugly, Amy Winehouse (The reason to that I would say is rather obvious)

Kelly Osbourne, and Jessica Simpson they all try to hard and look fake.
emma watson, well she has grown to be really pretty, i look up to her, and she's really talented too and nice so that makes someone awesome

miley cyrus, just her teeth and her is gross.
emma watson, well she has grown to be really pretty, i look up to her, and she's really talented too and nice so that makes someone awesome

miley cyrus, just her teeth and her is gross.
emma watson, well she has grown to be really pretty, i look up to her, and she's really talented too and nice so that makes someone awesome

miley cyrus, just her teeth and her is gross.
emma watson, well she has grown to be really pretty, i look up to her, and she's really talented too and nice so that makes someone awesome

miley cyrus, just her teeth and her is gross.
Pretty: myleene Klass because she has a really soft, friendly face, beautiful eyes and lovely brown curly locks.
Ugly: Posh Beckham because her facial features are so harsh and she is just so unfeminine. Just compare these 2 pics if you're not convinced....
I also think Fergie is quite ugly and Danii Minouge is quite pretty and so is tamsin egerton (plays the lead pish totty in st trianians)