What colour 4th gen shall i get? HELP!?


New member
Jun 30, 2008
i want to buy the new ipod chromatic and the only ting holding me back is the colour picking.

black - too dark and gloomy for me
grey - my old ipod mini was grey and i hated it...
purple - not too bad but i dont think ill like it...
blue - one of my favourite colors, but i dont know whether to choose it or not :S
green - i went through a phase when i wanted the green one, but i'm not too sure
yellow - my favorite colour of all, but I'm my opinion i that with pictures the ipod doesn't look to good in yellow - looks quite manky
orange - not really my thing
red - i think i may get the red, but i think i will get bored of it..
pink - way to girly for me..

any suggestions are welcome.
if you already have one, them please let me know about what you think.

and if you've got the yellow - is it really manky in real life?

I'm going to be the first one of my friends going to get one, so it has to be perfect.. :)

thanks so much!!!!!