What could cause my internet connection to fail, and my home phone to have

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr Bond
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Mr Bond

no dialling tone at the same time? It is as if the line is open but noone is there. If I ring my number from a mobile, it says that it is engaged. It happens now and then for about 5 hours at a time, then the dialling tone returns and so does the internet connection. I am on talk talk.
Something similar happened to me once. A mouse had chewed some on the phone wires under the house...

Next time it's out take a phone and find the phone box on the outside of the house. Plug the phone directly into the test port in the phone box. If it works while the jacks in the house don't you have a wiring problem. If it doesn't work the problem is on the phone company's end and you need to call them.
It's nothing to do with your end.
The telephone exchange or the line is defective. It happens especially when it rains.