What do I do with my old college books?


New member
Nov 18, 2008
They are 15 years old and good to no one. I was taught never destroy books, but I can't sell or donate them, even the charities refuse them. I even tried to donate to Books for Africa.
I don't think it's funny. They revise the books so often, they can't be reused. I think it's wasteful. I did try to give them away, I THOUGHT someone might have a real answer.
The courses I took will be very different in the future and won't benefit anyone. I thought about saving them just for fun, but I have found myself needing to free up the space. I just can't keep them. I tried to donate them to the library, they were the ones who suggested Books for Africa.
I respect your feelings.But I don't think there is any need for you to ask this question to any one of us. Just do what you're heart says.Just do what u like. If u like to reuse it you can. but there is no harm in throwing such books that is not of any use to u.You will feel happy if you are doing what ure heart is sayin.So u can either reuse it or u can throw it.
Ha, even the charities refused to take them. *chuckles* Um, why don't you just give them away for free? If people don't want to pay for them, they might simply take them when they're free, right? That's what I would do.

Edit: I didn't think your question was funny, I swear. I just thought it was funny how even the charities didn't want them. And in any case my answer was serious. That's seriously what I would do if in your position. Just go with what HP Wombat said, they probably gave the better advice anyway.
if they're university books you could always sell them to other students at a discounted rate, or just give them out for free.

otherwise, donate them to a public library. hospitals might take them, too. you could also go to any book store and give them up, some do take 2nd hand books.
People who enjoy "altered book" making might use them in their craft (artsy type of thing). Try listing them for free on Craigslist or similar. Other than that, you're going to have a hard time even giving them away. Your sentiment is lovely, but that's the reality.

~Dr. B.~
Try donating to your local library. If they refuse, ask how they dispose of books. Maybe they can be recycled?