What do I tell a potential employer if I have a vacation planned in the near future?


New member
May 14, 2008
I am currently unemployed, and am interviewing and submitting my resume at different companies. I have a second interview with a company next week, and I feel like I may have a good chance of landing the position. I have plans to go out of town for a few days this month and everything is paid for. When and how should I tell them about prior commitments if I get the offer?
Tell them at the interview - if they ask! Otherwise tell them at the offer stage when they approve of your skills and interview. They tend to be more flexible at that point because they are trying to get you in the door.
I have had about 50 Jobs..I do keep some for a while, I several times when offered the position adn closed the deal threw in I had a week planned ..Beccause I have seen after the 2 nd month ya need a break...
When (if) you get the offer, that is the correct time to tell them. Accept the position with the "stipulation" that you had previously planned a vacation and still intend to take it. "Yes, I accept, but you should know that I have a week vacation planned that I should tell you about now."

Because, who knows, you may not get the offer. If you tell them BEFORE you get an offer, it makes it sound a little presumptuous - as though you are assuming you'll get the offer and you don't want to come off that way.

Good luck!
You should tell them during the next interview. Simply tell them that you have a trip scheduled that was arranged before you even interviewed the first time. Make it clear you will take the time without pay unless vacation is given as a block at your hire date and offer to make up time (if this is the kind of job with flexible hours) to compensate.

Asking for a couple of days should not break the deal if you were going to get the job but I promise you they would be much less appreciative if you get hired and then spring these plans on them.

I have been in your situation twice; my extended family takes a week vacation every summer and I have started a two new jobs, one in late April and one in May and had to tell both I would like to be out the 2nd week of June. Both future employers appreciated me telling them during the interview process of my pre-existing plans. The key is to make it clear that you are asking what you'd like to do, not telling them, and in one case I cut my normal vacation short by two days because I was so new.