What do you believe will be the final straw that broke the camel's back.


New member
Aug 23, 2008
(organized religion)? will it be war? old men fondling little boys? the excessive bigotry? the extremists begging the regulars for aid and cover? Science? reasoning and use of logic? education? the internet?

what do you believe will put an end to the modern day forms of organized religions?
History tells us that secularism can only try to unite with religion to wage war and dominate the enemy. Nazis did it with atheism and Christianity and it will happen again. The world would destroy itself if secularism tried to eradicate religion. The future looks as if the two views will merge and water down religion before the end.
The return of the Savior. Mankind doesn't have what it takes to solve the problems he has created and in certain circles he prefer many of the problems, because the misery of others mean money in their pockets. Sad to say members of organized religions are involved in some of these circles and some are even leaders within these organizations. The coming of the Messiah is the only answer.
the bible prophecies that government will crush false religion aka babylon the great

Revelation 17:16,17
All those have occurred, and religion keeps going. Although its power is weakening, there will always be people who need religion.

"Religion is the process of unconscious wish fulfillment, where, for certain people, if the process did not take place it would put them in self-danger of coming to mental harm, being unable to cope with the idea of a godless, purposeless life."
— Sigmund Freud