What do you do when your internet...?

commit suicide. by: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Appv79_MgWBJMalvOb25HDXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090305165919AAQnYB9&show=7#profile-info-zWQvvqUfaa
I do one of three things:
1* play with myself...
2* pick up poo out of the front yard...
3* get naked and run around my house until I'm so tired I pass out in the grass...

ill go outside and play soccer, or play one of my instruments (Guitar, Piano, Bongos and Drumset)
NickelBack will solve all my problems:) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090305171313AAEHBL4
Crank the music up and become a housewife - literally.
I cook and clean more often when there's no access to internet. It's kinda healthy and people are more happier with me, lol. Plus you wouldn't notice when the time passes by and you really didn't think about going on the internet. You should try it one day. think of it as your internet diet! :)

Good luck!
i do whatever i can do that's fun 4 me like play on my i pod or listen to music and stuff and not nasty stuff OK :)
sleep eat play pianno watch tv go skating play super monkey balls wii or x-box on my frozen pool cover and jump on my trampoline i t shold be on by then if not do it all over