What do you do with old Greeting cards?


nicole b

My husband insists on saving greeting cards from the past 15 years. I live in a condo and don't have the space for every valentine, birthday, etc, etc., I receive. He thinks they are memories - I think it's trash. What do you think?
why not make a scrap book and use some of them/do something artsy
and keep some and get rid of some
then its a win win situation
I keep all mine in a small filing folder I bought at Wal-Mart...then just store that away with other important documents.
throw em out an don't let the person who gave it to u see
If he wants to save them, u can do what my mom did. She got a scrap book and scrap booked all the cards for safe keeping and is much more organized and doesn't take much room at all..
i think you could make a scrapbook from the past 15 years.and keep the present gift cards.or put them with the previos ones.and put the years on.
My grandmother is a card hoarder too! I tend to be, but I move so often I trash them.

Does he ever actually go back and look at them? If so, I guess they should stay around, if not: trash 'em and tell him he's being silly.
trash... I keep the sweet ones, or the memorable ones, but i trash the ones ppl bought in five seconds at the closest Walmart
To me they are memories. I only keep the ones my beau gives to me. As a matter of fact I put them out during that tiem of the year, then put it away in a box that is specific to just greeting cards.

If you think they are trash then throw them at, I mean if it doesn't mean anything to you why keep it?
I also keep my cards as mementos of the people, and I look back at them from time to time.
I store them in a box and stack things on top of my mementos box.

I don't keep everyone's, but just the few close people
Trash, but I would keep the more memorable ones to appease him. Or just tell him a certain amount for him to pick out, and trash the rest.
I keep them for a little while, maybe a month or so, then I throw them away. My husband also believes in not throwing things that I consider "trash" away. It gets very frustrating sometimes. Throw them away when he's not looking, he'll never miss them.