What do you think about (D) Waxman's comments about Jews trending towards...


New member
Dec 3, 2008
...republicans? inside? Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), a prominent Jewish congressman, said the Jewish vote is a concern for his party.
Waxman's comment-
“I think Jewish voters will be Democratic and be for Obama in 2012, especially if you get a Republican candidate like [Texas] Gov. [Rick] Perry,” he said. “But there’s no question the Jewish community is much more bipartisan than it has been in previous years. There are Jews who are trending toward the Republican Party, some of it because of their misunderstanding of Obama’s policies in the Middle East, and some of it, quite frankly, for economic reasons. They feel they want to protect their wealth, which is why a lot of well-off voters vote for Republicans.”

Apparently any Jew that would ever vote Republican would have to either be a Greedy miser OR just too stupid and ignorant to understand Obama's Middle East policies. I mean Lord know Jews can't decide for themselves that they don't like how Obama and Netanyahu's meeting and subsequent talks went. And for them not to want to hand all there money over to an out of control overspending government could only make them greedy misers trying to "Jew" away all their money.
After all, it couldn't be fort he fact that he's been a complete failure economically and socially for the last 3 years, right?!!?!
Sadly the reason Bob Turner won the election in Brooklyn was his very vocal stand on Israel. Very much pro Israel. The media goes on and on about the economy and Obama, but many in that district don't care about either. Traditionally Jews vote Democratic. They will again come November 2012, especially if the Republicans run Perry against Obama.
He's pissed because the Jewish Community is seeing what the Democrats are doing by stripping them of what they have earned. Sound familiar?
Waxman is a Socialist.
HIs district, is one of the 3 or so largest jewish districts in America (area north of LA along the ocean).

So, he sees his political future heading for the toilet.

I love watching libs in so called "safe districts" quaking in their shoes.