What do you think about Guilty Crown?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Comment on its Art, Story, Soundtrack..
Give details and good reasons for rants and other negative/positive remarks
I've never heard of this before but whatever it is has a cool name/title...
Guilty Crown? I think you mean the Code Geass remake. Lol. Yeah, this show is exactly like Code Geass. Hiroyuki Yoshino did the script to Guilty Crown and is also the one of the series composer. He was the assistant series composer and did the script for 3 episodes in Code Geass. You won't be able to unsee how they're the same.

Only differences:
Guilty Crown: You've been given the Power of the Kings. You can now do by your lone self what a thousand men could never hope to accomplish. Also, here's your hot magic girl.
Shuu: Ah, um, ow... *sob* I miss my boring, ordinary life.

Code Geass: You've been given the Power of the Kings. You can now do by your lone self what a thousand men could never hope to accomplish. Also, here's your hot magic girl.
Lelouch: Oh? Then please bear with me as I CONQUER THE WORLD. All those who wronged me, yes, they shall pay.

Anyway, a review of the show just based on its content:
Guilty Crown is a story that takes place in the future Tokyo, 2039. Tokyo has been governed by a multinational organization called GHQ ever since the unidentified virus "Lost Christmas" spread through Japan in 2029. Ouma Shu is just a normal boy, going to eat lunch when he meets Yuzuriha Inori, who is also a vocalist for EGOIST. However Inori turns out to a member of the resistance group who fights against the government, and she gets captured. Shu gets caught up in this since he has the "Power of Kings" in his hand which allows him to extract weapons from the "Void" in people.

Many people will say that the main character Shu is a wimp. However he's starting to fight for others, going to save Inori when he didn't before. That's definitely an improvement, and hopefully in the future that he will start to become stronger. The Undertakers are definitely going to make Shu join them, using any methods possible. So I'm praying for character development!

Inori, on the other hand, fascinates me. She's so quiet and yet she's so strong, not showing any signs of pain when she was abused or shot. Voids are known to take the shape of people's hearts, so I'm curious about why Inori's was a sword. Another character introduced was Gai, who is the leader of the resistance group. I liked him already when he first appeared, and him beating up a bunch of thugs single-handedly made me like him even more. He's probably my favorite character now, not even flinching when a thousand laser bullets were fired towards him. He also has the ability to see people's Voids.

Sound was excellent. The first episode starts off with a beautiful song "Euterpe" sung by Inori (aka EGOIST) and the lyrics are very meaningful, stating why people have to hurt each other. I actually had to go back a replay the whole song; it was just that beautiful. Also, the soundtrack played when Gai was fighting the thugs was super awesome. It made Gai look ten times more badass. OP "My Dearest" is quite catchy too, but I liked it less than Euterpe. I still have to give credit to 15 year old Koeda who sung this song though :)

Art and animation are beautiful. Character designs by redjuice of Supercell was what attracted me to this series at first, and I'm not slightly disappointed in the least. Animations are luscious and breathtaking, being detailed in every place. Gorgeous.

Lastly, the seiyuus did a good job. Kayano Ai, although a newcomer, had a nice soft voice, perfect for the quiet and strong-willed Inori. Kaji Yuuki also did a good job with Shu, bringing out his determined yet timid character. Nakamura Yuuichi had a strong deep voice for Gai and it really made him sound awesome.

I'm loving what I'm seeing so far, with still several mysteries unsolved that will lead the plot on in the future. From the looks of it, Guilty Crown is definitely the anime to watch this season.